How-to guides

Run statistics and analyses

You are able to run quick historical environmental and climate analyses in Earth Map. These analyses are executed by using the Google Earth Engine  platform on demand.

3. On the map click on the area for which you would like to run a (or several) statistical analysis. The statistics panel should now be visible.

4. On the statistics panel you should now see the name of the selected area and all the available statistical analyses and options.

5. You can now select which type of analysis you would like to perform. Select an analysis from one of the options from the drop-down 'Metrics' menu.

6. Depending on the metric you select, you may also need to select the temporal aggregation or time period. Not all analyses have this option.

7. Click on 'Process' and Earth Map will submit your request to Google Earth Engine to be executed. It may take a few minutes to complete the analysis, this depends on a combination of the size of the area selected, type of analysis and time span.